Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Advanced configuration for application parameters

The great number of applications works fine with a basic configuration (for example it is enough to define the printers mapping).  There are few applications for which the basic configuration is not enough. For them it is possible to define additional parameters in the file guiapp.cfg. An ASCII file named guiapp.cfg should be created in a Winflector server installation catalog (most often c:\winflector\server). Such file will be read at each application startup. The following options can be specified in guiapp.cfg:

  • -knvoff, i.e. turn off the kernel names virtualization. Useful for applications which use system objects (such as shared memory) for internal communication. Such setting is required for "Symfonia Handel" application. Example:
    c:\symfonia\amhm.exe -knvoff
  • -klsubst, i.e keyboard layout substitution. This can be useful when language used on the server and client machine differ. It is possible to define the substitution for all, or for a specified application. Sample setting which change 2 keyboard layouts for one program:
    c:\xxxxx\xxxx.exe -klsubst=00040402,a0000402 -klsubst=00020402,a0000402
  • -actctxoff, i.e. turn off the activation context for applications which do not work comctl32.dll version 6.0 or newer. Example guiapp.cfg entry for the program, which uses comctl32.dll version 5.8:
  • -srvprocess, i.e. declaration of the process, which should be run without Winflector intervention and does not require interaction with a user. Winflector server just will start such process (no other action will be taken). Sample:
    C:\KS\KS-PPS\KSPPS.exe -srvprocess=pilot.exe
  • -consoleoff, i.e. turn off the console mirroring. The example entry which turns off console mirroring for a GUI console wrapper:
    c:\program files\ConEmu\ConEmu.exe -consoleoff -knvoff -srvprocess=c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe

The detailed description of guiapp.cfg parametrs is available in a Winflector user manual.