Serwer terminali Winflector - alternatywa dla aplikacji Zdalny Pulpit, Citrix XenApp

Working in a farm

Winflector servers can work together in a farm. This solution is useful when:

  • one server is not enough to support all users. The farm allows to balance the load between multiple servers transparently to the end user.
  • automatic switching to the backup server when required

How to configure a farm?

Step 1 - Install and run licensed and activated Winflector server - the farm manager.

The Farm manager is the Winflector server with activated commercial license.

Run Winflector server and go to: Preferences --> Farm. Check: "Server works as a farm member", and enter local computer IP adress (on the farm manager this IP address must be

Farm manager

Step 2 - Install and configure Winflector server members.

On all computers planned as farm members install a two-user free Winflector server and configure each to work in the farm. Minimum configuration is entering your farm manager IP adress (see screen below).

Członek farmy

Run Winflector farm members.

Step 3 - Work with shared applications.

Run one of the shared applications. As a server address enter the address of any Winflector server in the farm. When load balancig mode is enabled, the farm manager will redirect client to run the application on the proper server.

You have to install shared applications on all Winflector servers working in the farm in the same directories.